Friday, October 5, 2012

Transforms suffering in peace & love

Suffering and illness, unfortunately, exist in this material life, but as we saw in the last post about the acceptance, there is no obstacle that can destroy our happiness and love that dwell within. Let's look more practically how to transform suffering.

This practice will greatly help in times of diseases that cause great suffering. We must start from the certainty that our being is not only material, in this life is composed of soul and body, but we must admit that our real existence is outside of  psychological time created by our material mind, we are eternal as is the energy and the universe itself. This life is only one stage in our lives, know it.

    The disease can be a situation that you live, has a past and a future. Include the disease in psychological time of our mind will only prolong it and increase the suffering it causes us, since it to the feel fully identified with it becomes part of our being. We will implement the following, provided with all the faith in your ability to get it:
  • Focus on this precise moment, in the now, do not label the disease, mentally, do not you. Now the disease is reduced to what it really is, a series of symptoms that you have to accept that. Feel them in your body, accept that they are there, but remember, you are a healthy, is just your body that is damaged. Use the pain or suffering that may cause you to be fully present. Surrender and accept what is, a physical illness, but this is not you. This will transform you and when you transform yourself, the world around you does too. Do you not want to change that?

  • Do not be you guilty, or feel unsuccessful, not feel sorry, do not even think how bad life has treated you, all those feelings are created by your temporary material mind, so that you cling to it, so that your current situation never will changes. Do not think of the memories of the disease or how it will be in the future, feel what is in your body, focus on the present moment, in pain and you get to transform it into a deep inner peace and serenity that are not common in this material life, it certainly will totally change your life and once the serious illness, completely open the door to the love and happiness.

    In the case of terminal illness where death is close, do this practice is a great help, since the purpose of it is to accept the present situation, not being sick in body and soul, only at corporal level, accept death just as we accept the birth, to silence the material mind and discover the absolute certainty that we are immortal at the spiritual level, which will fill us with an extraordinary peace that will prepare us for the journey out of this material life. Remember every day feel love toward you and all around you, this will give you an extra dose of health, physical and spiritual level.

Thank you very much for reading my words. Contribute to your comment.

Other topics to your happiness:

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