Monday, December 24, 2012

Self-esteem: Top of beauty

After speaking, at the last entry, of the unconditional acceptance of our lives and of ourselves, time to talk about self-esteem and some tricks to make it grow.

This post is based on the content of the play "The six pillars of self esteem" by psychologist Nathaniel Branden who has studied this topic in depth.
Self-esteem can be defined as the continuous assessment we make of our own person. Constantly ask ourselves if we like each other, if we are beautiful for ourselves. The truth is that when the answer is affirmative to these questions will not only be a source of beauty for ourselves, but also for others and we'll have the ability to appreciate the beauty of it all, we will enjoy our obligations, our work, our leisure, all this we bring us positivism and enriching energy.

Let us see the six basic conditions to possess high self-esteem, according Branden:

  • Integrity: We have to be consistent, honest with ourselves and always act with respect to our beliefs and values​​, do what you think is right.

  • Responsibility: We must be aware that we and no one but we are responsible for our actions and decisions, all we get, our values ​​and of course, of our happiness. Every day we are able to act according to our principles, to do things with joy, to give and receive love, to be happier. You bring your own helm!

  • Assertiveness: Being able to express adequately as long our feelings and thoughts, not shut up something that bothers us and say that we want to be respected, to declare our opinions without fear of being judged.

  • Living consciously: means to be authentic, which is the result of feeling a great love for oneself. Figure out what you really want, what we want to happen in your life and what are our goals, avoiding follow the masses or that we others impose our goals. Listen to yourself and Be what you want to be.

  • Living with a purpose: it is born the previous point. Instead of being adrift and without direction, if we know what we want only have to work on it, we are disciplined, willpower and faith in ourselves we put on the right track. We must finish the projects we started, achieve goals, this will give us a clear sense vital.

  • Self-Acceptance: We all make mistakes in our lives, we must admit it and accept it, is inevitable and even positive. We must learn from them and accept that we are not perfect, to err is human.

    Ultimately what we draw from all this is that we must be virtuous in everything we do, it causes our actions are more beautiful and as a result feel more harmony, love and inner peace. Follow these six points is easy and is available to anyone, do you want yourself it enough to want to love you even more?

Thank you very much for reading my words. Contribute to your comment.

Other topics to your happiness:

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