Time, an abstract concept created by the material mind of human beings, ostensibly to help, but is a helpful tool or a burden in our life?
In the previous post spoke of the time inevitably, as it is closely related to the great problem that pollutes the universal human conscience, almost from the beginning of our history until today. I still based on the phenomenal book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle.
Focus on the following question: What is time? not going to be easy to establish clearly a response in your mind. If you want a scientific definition you just click here. Once read, we have very clear that it is a completely artificial created by the human mind in its need to "materialize" and to measure all areas of life. Time really is a human illusion, there is no, maybe at first this may sound a bit unbelievable, crazy, but the real madness begins when we get carried away by the awful tide that creates this illusion and that we will sail to drift in an ocean of pain and discomfort.
To understand what is said in the previous paragraph, think about this question: have you ever lived through a time other than now? You can only live in the present, absolutely everything that happens in life happens in the now, The present is all we have and this is fact, what you lived in the past and what you think you will live in the future not there, you can only live in the present, you have no past, have no future, are illusions created in our mind, something that only human beings live every day and becomes a madness called psychological time.
Psychological time is a mental illness, need only observe collective manifestations as communism, national socialism, nationalism or any rigid religious belief systems that base their ideologies relying on "the end justifies the means" or what would be same, setting the goal, salvation or paradise forever in the future and giving as valid any course of action (slavery, torture, mass murder) provided to achieve them, producing large massacres and widespread suffering, so that a "heaven" future becomes a present hell. There is no doubt that psychological time is a serious and dangerous mental illness.
The enormous power and creative potential, the true and selfless love that is in the Now are buried and obscured by psychological time and our life decreases vibration and lacks freshness and sense of wonder. The denial of the present and the accumulation of psychological time cause we know all the negativity. It is difficult to recognize that time is the cause of our suffering and problems but until we solve the basic dysfunction of our mind, his denial of the present, we will not see clearly that the only problem there is that of time-bound mind, and that there is a future salvation for us, for salvation is here and now.
Thank you very much for reading my words.
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