One of the ingredients, globally recognized, that would make up the happiness is health. An open question arises: Is health gives us happiness, or happiness gives us health? Try to clarify this question and drawsomething useful that can take us to feel true love for health.
According to the WHO definition of health in 1946: "is the state of complete physical, mental and social, notmerely the absence of infections or diseases light, strong or severe, in harmony with the environment."
This is a good definition of what is physical, ie our body. But let other claims of great scientists:
- "Health is measured by the shock that a person can receive without compromising their way of life. Thus, the system of life becomes a criterion of health." Healthy person is one who can live their dreams fullyconfessed ".. . Moshe Feldenkrais.
- "Health is primarily a measure of the ability of each person to do or become what it wants to be" ... Rene Dubos.
These statements make clear that health is not only composed of the physical part of our body, but there is another part that we should care: mental health. This other health is largely unknown to most mortals, and even the medical community, and WHO do not even have an official definition for mental health. The diversity of theories marked by the cultural differences of the experts and their subjective evaluations cause very difficult to reach a worldwide agreement to define mental health, so much so, that psychiatry agrees that the absence of a recognized mental disorder is not necessarily an indicator of having mental health.
Personality and mentality of each individual, as in ancient Greece, were directly related to the origins and nature of diseases. Plato enunciated in one of its treaty body or physical health leads to mental hygiene while mental fitness predisposes to a better body condition. Having read all this and much more than they'll talk later, I conclude that the health of our non-material inside our mind, is the most overlooked of the era in which we live, because if it is true there advances in psychology and psychiatry, when compared with the level and importance is given to investigations of a physical disease, we see that far behind and are at a distinct disadvantage.
More and more modern literature that covers the topics that were once considered taboo, about the unknown characteristics of the mind and the great power that hides within us, so is he even talking about the healing power of our minds, capable to cure and eradicate physical illness, either by ourselves or by those who have succeeded in developing this mental faculty. The only thing to remember is that we all possess these mental characteristics, and we do not use into oblivion because of the teachings and beliefs that only focus on what material and what you can "see" that society has instilled in us "modern" and materialistic society in which we live.
I dare say that happiness is what gives us an exquisite lasting physical health, so that there is a new question: happiness equivalent mental health? this is a vast subject that we will develop in future posts. So do not hesitate a moment, every day practice relaxation or meditation, to care for your mind, come to feel real love for what is hidden within you and you have not yet been able to enjoy and this in turn will put you love in everything you do and think about your life, especially in your own self, don't forget it.
Thank you very much for reading my words.
Other themes for your happiness:
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