Believing in something is almost as important as breathing, hence the different religions that appeared during the history of mankind, attempt to answer universal questions like: Who are we? Where did we come from and where're we going? I come these: What we really believe each of us? Does anyone have real faith in love?
The word faith has various connotations but the most widespread is the defined as the belief in something without need for it has been confirmed by experience or reason, or proven by science.
Today worldwide there is a profound crisis of values that has caused a loss path for humanity, leading us in conjunction the wrong road to ending unwanted by anyone in his deepest feelings.
The diverse religions throughout the ages, in which most people put their faith, have attempted to answer the universal questions as widespread as: Who are we? Where do we come from and where are we going? What and why are we here? Despite its good intentions in aim tend to have defects in the form:
- Excess of metaphors, epics and images.
- His message is often not very straightforward.
- Different interpretations of some "enlightened" misrepresenting his true message, to be used for personal gain.
In turn, the classical religions are gradually replaced by new ideological trends increasingly materialistic worship capitalism and consumerism, as well publicized and globalized by certain capitalist minority.
At this point we could say that our faith is lost, we believe in someone or something wrong that does not help the least, not even us closer to true happiness and gives us only brief moments of material pleasure to return to leave us empty inside.
I recommend you focus your faith in yourself as a whole person capable of anything that you propose and above all believe in a blinded fashion in the most powerful and creative feeling that exists: love. Love is true power in action can bring out the best of ourselves, feel love for your own self, have faith in your abilities and your options, choose the path of unconditional faith and love and you will not miss, sure the destination you will get your complete satisfaction, your happiness.
Thank you very much for reading my words.
Other topics for your happiness:
- Do you know about love?
- Think about your health
- Learning to relax
- What is truth?
- Money: Is the solution or the problem?
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